CT Progressive Democrat

News and Views from CT State Representative David McCluskey / Democrat - West Hartford

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Greetings from former CT State Representative David McCluskey (Democrat-West Hartford). I am now Vice Chair of the West Hartford Democrats. I am a long-time Vice President of the Greater Hartford Labor Council.

At the end of 2010, I completed my 6th and last term from the 20th District which is in the southern section of the town including Elmwood. I served on a number of committees including: Environment, Finance, Human Services, Planning & Development, Public Health and the Transportation Committees. I was also co-chair of the Transportation Bonding Subcommittee, which has worked to rebuild our public transportation system,focus on "fix it first" not new highways, roads and encourage bike and pedestrian travel, and coordinate land use/economic development/transportation development.

I am a progressive, pro-labor Democrat and thought I would use this blog to pass along news and views.

I will try to keep the site fresh with news/information and try to offer more commentary/observations on CT Politics &Government.